Tag Archives: Will Ferrell

The Voice

Ferrell vs. Galifianakis is the big selling point of the upcoming film ‘The Campaign.’ There is unlimited potential for this film. Not all of it good. It could be this incredible comedy. It could be a huge box office smash. It could mysteriously bomb. I could love it. I could want to dig my eyes out as everyone on the subway quotes it.

The first few posters were selling it for me. What worried me the most were their voices. The two of them were not going to speak normally, especially Galifianakis. His voices from previous work really wouldn’t fit the Carolinian political candidate. Now we have a trailer-

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Delay Sunday

We are trying something different this week. Watch out this week for the Podcast. It will be a special one.

Let’s Delay Sunday

Anchorman 2

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