Tag Archives: josh trank

The Chronicle of Fantastic Four

The suits at 20th Century Fox has finally announced what we’ve pretty much known since January:

Josh Trank has been hired to direct the reboot of Fantastic Four.  (remember when Galactus was a cloud?)


Josh Trank directed Chronicle.  A found footage superhero teen movie that cost very little, but made around 50 million.  I guess they are hoping that he extrapolates Chronicle’s success to a larger scale.

For this film I think the director is virtually interchangeable.  Just get someone who isn’t a moron to write the film and a capable cast.  Trank is so new to directing that I doubt he’ll bring anything good or bad to the table.  However, they need to get someone who knows how to write a family to make this film work.

In a perfect world, I’d like to see Brad Bird just direct it.  Yeah he did The Incredibles already, but after seeing M:I: Ghost Protocol, he can do grand scale.  I also want this movie being released by Disney.  They’d nail this film.

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