Tag Archives: Iron Man 3

Movie Movie Podcast #39: Iron Gatsby

Holy calamity! We have a LIVE IMPROV show at LIC’s The Creek and the Cave in an hour! So what am I doing here? Well getting you the latest hotness from us, the Movie Movie Podcast crew! Join Alex, Russ, Peter and myself as we toss our shirts at The Great Gatsby and play detective with Iron Man 3. Recorded on May 14th 2013.

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The Mandarin Character Poster


I kinda love this picture of the Mandarin. There was some controversy over the casting of Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin because of racial issues, which is understandable. It is worth pointing out that the Mandarin character itself is pretty racist. Regardless, it looks like they are trying to build a unique character. A commenter named Nicholas Slayton at Slashfilm had this to say:

“They said the Mandarin basically collects warrior symbols from different cultures and re appropriates them in a twisted way. US army camo pants and boots. Chinese robes. A samurai topknot. Captain American-type helmet. OBL-style beard. Tony’s (or maybe Killian’s?) glasses. Very twisted idea that kind of works.”

I think he is mostly right on and points out a lot of details that I had missed, though it is more likely that the helmet is a UN helmet, not a Captain American-type helmet.

Via SlahFilm

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Iron Man 3 Trailer

Russ showed us the trailer for the trailer yesterday. Here it is in all it’s glory. Mandarin, Iron Patriot, Nerd Boners!

datBloo on YouTube had the best comment about this: “Not so big and bad now Tony. Avengers ain’t gonna come save you now bro!”

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Iron Man 3: The Trailer Before The Trailer

Terry Crews said it months ago “YOU GOT TO HAVE A TRAILER FOR THE TRAILER” when discussing Expendables 2, and Iron Man 3 heeded that call.

This is a 15 second teaser for the trailer coming out tomorrow on Apple Trailers.

I’m in.  But of course I am.


Comic Con: Marvel Phase 2 Round Up

This was a long and exciting weekend with all the news coming from Comic-Con. There are a few things we want to share with you in case you missed it. Let’s start off with all the Marvel Movie News.
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Stop Telling Me About Iron Man 3

Listen. I saw ‘Avengers.’ I loved it. I am angry I haven’t seen it again. If you think about it the plot was a bit crap. Loki allies with aliens to control Earth, getting him what exactly? Dr. Selvig is brainwashed but programs in a failsafe option to the device.

Fart Noises.

So Marvel, please stop dancing around with the news about ‘Iron Man 3.’

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