Tag Archives: fake movie friday vol 2

Fake Movie Friday Vol 2- Lone Banana

This title comes from Julianne last night at Pig Pile. It’s origin from a stand ups set has to do with masturbating creativity. Let’s see what sort of movie comes from that fact.

Lone Banana

We open in an office building and people are talking about the previous weekend’s Halloween parties and such. They share pictures and stories until we hear the chime of an elevator and a silence comes over the office. The camera turns and we see a man walking through in a banana costume. He sits at his desk, puts his things down and gets to work.

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Damsels Without Distress

I’ve been at home nursing a foot injury for a few days and have maybe said 10 words out loud in the past 5 days. Let’s see if that translates well to paper. Title from Tigs of course.

Damsels Without Distress

We open with a knight getting sent out by a king. It’s a fancy ceremony naming him a hero of the realm and such. We see a montage of him suiting up and mounting a beautiful horse. He rides out into the forest. The trees and terrain start to get darker and scarier. He fights some beasts, real and fantastic, as he travels. He approaches a dark tower and makes a speech about saving the princesses. He is quickly killed. We cut to the top of the tower where 4 women sit in a cell. One shouts out the window “Great job asshole!”

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Connected

Starting this on the previous Friday because I’m a FMF machine. Guess where this title came from? (The answer is Tigs)


Jake is riding high. He’s out with some friends at a bar. They are celebrating his engagement as well as his promotion. Things are going great. He just put a down payment on a house. He’s drinking pretty heavily and we start jumping ahead, skipping moments. We jump into a moment where he his punching someone in the face as the crowd gasps. His friends take him out of the bar and he gets put in a cab. A bouncer goes to one of his friends, “You’re man fucked up. That dude is connected.”

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Another Destiny

I love this getting ahead with movies thing. May Vol 2 never end! Title from the great and powerful Tigs.

Another Destiny

We open in a meadow at dusk. A king and queen bring a baby up to a great willow tree where an old woman stands. In voiceover our main character Jodie, currently the newborn, talks about how everyone in their land has a destiny that they are assigned when they are born. They must follow it. Sadly hers was just to birth the next great generation of kings. We get the sense that something is a bit off during this ceremony though. I WONDER WHAT THE TWIST COULD BE BASED ON THE TITLE?!

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Inner Workings

So I thought I started this two weeks early but then I forgot to ask for a title at Pig Pile last night. Tigs sent me a lot of vague titles, which are the best to think over and put together.

Inner Workings

A young boy, Robbie, plays inside. His mother sternly asks him to go outside. He is being too loud and his father is trying to sleep. He heads out to play looking a bit sad. A truck approaches and two men unload a tall covered object and head towards his door. He runs behind them and his mother tells him to stay out of the way. He slowly moves around the corner trying to see what it is as he hears his mother talking to his dad telling her that the things from his father’s estate have arrived commenting it took them long enough since the funeral was last week. Robbie comes around the corner to find a huge, beautiful, and intricate grandfather clock.

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Part-Time Criminal

Look out world! Peter is starting a movie on a Monday! Let’s see if I can keep this motivation going for more than 15 minutes. All glory and honor to the Hypno-Tigs.

Part-Time Criminal

We open in a bank on a hot summers day. The teller is fanning herself off as a man struts up with hat and sunglasses. He talks to her so sweetly that she doesn’t even register the fact that he’s placed a gun on the counter. The rest of his crew burst through the door. Everyone gets to the ground and they detain the guards. He still keeps locked in with the teller who seems attracted to him. He leans in and she leans in as well thinking of kissing him. He tells her to empty the drawers.

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Judd, Judy, and Executioner

Totally forgot about the whole “maybe I’ll pre-write these” idea. So here I am on a train back to NYC on a Friday. Tigs is love. Tigs is life. This is a quick one.

Judd, Judy, and Executioner

Judd and Judy are in high school and were the best of friends. They grew up together and spend a lot of time hanging out, though platonically. We get the sense that Judy is into Judd but he’s a bit oblivious. Judd’s basement is full of computers parts and such and they are both nerdy. They are creating a video game together named Executioner. Judy announces suddenly that she has to go because she has a date with Travis, a cooler older kid.

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: The Klondike Mission

I think I might start prewriting these over the summer. I certainly have the time during the week and get oddly stressed fitting it into my Friday. So here I am on a Thursday. Got 12 titles from Tigs. May his reign never end.

The Klondike Mission

A young man stumbles through the snow. He clutches something close to his chest. He shakes mining tools off his waist trying to cut weight to run faster. We are in the mountains and it is clearly turn of the 20th century. We hear a growling behind him as he closes his eyes clutching closer to what we see is a huge chunk of gold. Title card.

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Squid Sisters

This is the sixth FMF from the list of titles that Tigs sent me at the beginning of May. I’m going to need a new list soon. Though (spoiler) one of the titles I haven’t used yet will become the first in a trilogy. Writing this in the Bronx at An Beal!

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Fake Movie Friday Vol 2: Too Many Bats

Title comes from the Pig Pile audience! Remember the 1999 Lou Diamond Phillips film ‘Bats’? The title was upside down on the poster like how bats sleep! GET IT? Just like in that movie, the bats here are a metaphor.

Too Many Bats

A phone rings. Dale, a scraggily bearded man, stirs slowly in his bed. A great deal of light comes in and it’s clearly late. He answers the phone to find his ex wife Gail on the line. She chastises him for still being asleep this late. He is not communicative. She tells him that she thinks a box of hers is in the garage if he could put it out in the driveway she’ll find sometime to pick it up. He heads to the garage looking like shit and notices in the corner of the ceiling, a single bat.

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