Tag Archives: Avengers

The Newest Marvel Film Franchise Is?

The Guardians of the Galaxy. 

According to one of the more reputable film sites Latino Review, they are reporting that not only is the second Marvel film of 2014 to be Guardians of the Galaxy, but it will also feature Thanos.  Thanos we all know will be the villain of the next Avengers film.  This film would be based on the 2008 lineup of Guardians.

I don’t know if this is true yet, because Disney hasn’t spoken on the issue yet, but I can definitely see it.  The best stuff about Thor was the Asgard stuff, and with Marvel, so much of what they will be doing in Avengers films is otherworldly, so why not add a bit more context to the cosmic layer of the Marvel Film Universe?  My only issues:

-Guardians are made up of second and third tier characters, and theres very little familiarity with the product.

-I hope it doesn’t come at the cost of the Black Panther film.  It could very well be the Avengers’ Batman.  Shoehorning him into the sequel really doesn’t work if you are focusing so much on the expansion of the cosmic stuff.  The only thing that would make sense at this point would be putting him in the next Captain America film as Cap is now in the modern day and his shield is made of Vibranium which is found is Wakanda.  I wouldn’t love that cause the tonal differences of Cap and BP are very different.  It’s like Superman and Batman.  It would take a very deft hand to meld those two.

Again, this is all unconfirmed at this point, but it’s worth thinking about.


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Black Panther And Why You Are Racist If This Doesn’t Interest You

So rumor has it that the powers that be, in understanding that their Marvel universe needs expansion, are planning on not only getting an Ant-Man movie out (which could be cool), but there are also plans for a Black Panther film.  Now before everyone goes all “this wont work in film” I’ll ask the question: why?  Most of the people who’ll say this largely don’t read comics, let alone Black Panther comics, which leads me to believe, you probably just don’t think there is a place for black superheroes.

Is odd as it seems, the ONLY place where I think it would be well-received or accepted would be in the Marvel universe.  Because they control the vision of their characters, important themes don’t get left by the wayside.  Besides Wakanda has been alluded to in Iron Man 2, Cap’s shield is made of Vibranium, which comes from Wakanda, and before that from an alien meteor, so all of the elements are in place.  Black Panther in the Avengers cartoon is almost exactly how he would play in this universe.  He’s like their Batman.  There sometimes, and not their others. Very mysterious and always in the shadows. I think there are a number of actors who could pull this off, but Chwietel Ejiofor seems like the best choice.

I hope that one of the secret Marvel films in the next two years is this.

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AICN Accurate Posts and the Godless Hours Where I Read Them

Last night I could not sleep, so I did what any closeted nerd would do and started reading the comments section of Aint It Cool News.  It’s basically a cesspool where nerds and fanboys bitch about stuff and I love it for that.  I was on the comment page for an article about Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and came across this post by a very smart gentleman who goes by the name of “tophat.” Tophat, in reference to the Xmen movies wrote the following and I have to say I agree:

They’re never going to do time travel in the X-MEN…

by tophat 

…that would be too cool for 20th Century Fox to handle. Think about it, on July 18, 2014 we will have been stuck with this version of X-Men for FOURTEEN YEARS. Fox has had 14 years to get the X-Men right and have dropped the ball every-single-time. And, before any of you try to make excuses for these movies let me ask you this: No matter how much you might like certain moments, characters, scenes, etc. from these films, have they really been as successful adaptations as the Marvel Avenger movies? No. The answer is, NO. In my opinion thay haven’t even MADE a real X-Men movie yet. Just a bunch of movies about Eric, Charles, and Logan. It would have been like Marvel spending fourteen years making SHIELD movies where the Avengers pop in every once in a while as guest appearances. Fourteen-Fucking-Years”

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Stop Telling Me About Iron Man 3

Listen. I saw ‘Avengers.’ I loved it. I am angry I haven’t seen it again. If you think about it the plot was a bit crap. Loki allies with aliens to control Earth, getting him what exactly? Dr. Selvig is brainwashed but programs in a failsafe option to the device.

Fart Noises.

So Marvel, please stop dancing around with the news about ‘Iron Man 3.’

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I Want To Learn More About My Character

In a recent Collider interview with Idris Elba, the subject of ‘Thor 2’ came up. Elba said he would be back as the Asgardian God Heimdall. He also said that in the sequel he would love if we could learn more about this character.

This is probably horseshit.

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New Comic Wednesday

Fury Max
We need a Nick Fury movie. He’s such a rich character with a giant history. He’s also a figure head of the entire new marvel movie universe and very little is known about him. How did he get to where he is? How is SHEILD what it is? Who does it answer to? Who was that strange cabal he kept talking to on the Helicarrier?
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Fake Movie Friday- Jimmy Klipse Meets the Devil

It is Friday and you know what that means! We’re a little movie crazy over here at MMP, most of us are currently recovering from Avengers at midnight (“I’m getting too old for this shit” – Danny Glover speaking for us), and on Fridays we like to show you what you might be watching if we made movies. This one is called Jimmy Klipse Meets the Devil, it’s pretty awful, and I’m fucking tired…

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Avengers: The Wait- Live Blog

Hello True Believers,

Come back here later starting at 10pm est for the adventures of Tigs and Peter sitting around a movie theater waiting for Avengers to start. Which sort of weirdos (present company included) will be there early? Who will Peter secretly hate for getting comic book facts wrong? Will Tigs fall in love?

Check it all out after the jump

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Like, Love, Hate- Thor

Just to be clear I loved the casting and performance of Idris Elba. If you have a problem with it, you need to go fuck yourself. Moving on.

Like- The Balance

I thought this movie was going to be awful when seeing the trailers. The humor seemed flat, Asgard looked stiff, and Earth looked like scenes from Just Visiting. I wanted to punch Kat Dennings in the face. To my surprise the film really did a great job grounding Asgard in the opening 20 minutes. It set up the world Thor came from well enough to make some of the ‘man out of time’ jokes fun. The pet store scene still kills me.

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Like, Love, Hate- The Incredible Hulk

Like- The Fast Opening

This movie does us a great service in not charging us for another origin. Whether you saw Ang Lee’s Hulk (you shouldn’t have), whether you hated it (you should have), or whether you loved it (you shouldn’t have) we can all agree that we understand the story of Hulk in some form, and this movie respects that. Amazing Spider-man should learn a lesson from this. Since EVERYONE saw Spider-man, and even if you didn’t you know Spider-man.

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