Category Archives: Movie Movie Podcast

Movie Movie Podcast #5: Dicship

battleship poster

dictator poster












B5…It’s a hit! You sunk my podcast! That’s right, it’s a new week and we’ve been hard at work, hitting the theaters, seeing the movies you don’t want to so you don’t have to. Join Peter, Russ, Alex and myself as we discuss in great detail the plots (snicker) of Battleship and The Dictator, talk about Russ’ brothers graduation (congrats Mike!), and bask in the lush, plush studios of The Goo in NYC ( for our most professional podcast ever thanks to our good friend, #1 fan (maybe?), sound engineer and editor Matt Giordano! Thanks a million Matt! Recorded on May 21st 2012 and featuring The Raiders March composed by John Williams.

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Movie Movie Podcast #4: Dark Engagement














Don’t be scared, there’s a new Movie Movie Podcast to tuck you in, check under the bed for monsters and keep you safe at night. Join Russ, Peter, Alex and Tigs as they discuss Dark Shadows and The Five-Year Engagement. Recorded on May 15th 2012 and featuring the song Push It by Salt n Pepa.

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Movie Movie Podcast #3: Think Like The Avengers








Movie Movie Assemble! That’s right, it’s Sunday and time for a brand new Movie Movie Podcast. Join Peter, Russ, Alex and myself as we sit down and discuss Think Like a Man, The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises trailer, The Amazing Spiderman trailer, our late night experiences for Avengers and much more on the latest Movie Movie Podcast. Steve says you should listen.

Recorded on Sunday May 6th, 2012 and featuring Tonight (Best You Ever Had) by John Legend ft Ludacris.

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Movie Movie Podcast #2: Safe From the Raven…Nevermore

the raven movie poster


safe movie poster














What’s that gently rapping, rapping at your chamber door? Why it’s a new episode of the Movie Movie Podcast! Join Russ, Peter, Alex and myself for our discussion about The Raven, Safe, the Dr Seuss murders, Downtown Abbey and much more! Recorded on April 29th 2012 and featuring the song The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens.


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Movie Movie Podcast #1: Locked Out of the Cabin in the Woods


cabin in the woods














Brand New Podcast! Check it! Russ, Peter, Alex and myself are movie snobs who talk incessantly about the industry, and now we’re recording it! This week we discuss Lock Out and The Cabin in the Woods, dabble in The Hunger Games, and dip our toes into The Raid. Recorded on Sunday, April 15th 2012 and featuring A Whole New World off of the Aladdin soundtrack.


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