Category Archives: Movie Movie Podcast

Movie Movie Podcast #47: We’re the Kick Ass Butlers

I was more or less at a loss for titles. We have a bunch of movies this week and this was the best I could come up with. Well maybe if I had given it more time it would have been better, but that’s neither here nor there. Actually I guess it is here. Anyway it’s been a couple of crazy weeks and we’re finally back to bitch about anything and everything we’ve seen to you all. Join Alex, Russ, Peter and myself as we discuss Lee Daniel’s The Butler, We’re the Millers, Kick Ass 2, Elysium and Lovelace. Recorded on August 28th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #46: THE CANYONS (+ other stuff)

It’s actually kind of crazy how long Alex and I go on and on about the Canyons. We all thought going into this that it’d just be a quick chat, but wow. Join Russ, Peter, Alex and myself as we talk about 2 Guns, The Canyons, Blue Jasmine and The Wolverine! Recorded on August 7th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #45: Mega Mega Cast: The Return

We said we would never do this again, but here we are. About a year after our last one (I have no idea when the last one was) we break a 3 week hiatus to bring you another Mega Mega Movie Movie Podcast, but with a shorter name for easy consumption. Join Alex, Russ, Peter and myself as we talk about…deep breath…Pacific Rim, Despicable Me 2, Red 2, The Conjuring, The Lone Ranger, RIPD, Only God Forgives and Sharknado! Recorded on July 23rd 2013

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Movie Movie Podcast #44: White House ZU

We recorded this earlier in the week, and I apologize for the late posting. We focused grouped the hell out of the movie and decided to reshoot the entire last third, but I think we got it this time. Join Russ, Peter, Alex and myself as we hunker down for World War Z, give Alex a moment with Monsters U and get dumb with White House Down. Recorded on July 2nd 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #42: The/Internship/Purge/About/Nothing 2

Well this one is a little awkward. We’re all over the place this week, and there are a lot of single person reviews. Sort of a new direction we’re trying. Remember how everyone liked new coke jokes? Then they got old and no one knows what new coke is anymore? It’s kind of like that. Join Peter, Alex, Russ and myself as we expel our anger with The Purge, explore the found footage of found footage horror movies with V/H/S 2, google ourselves with The Internship, and class it up a notch with Much a Do About Nothing. Recorded on June 13th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #41: After You See Earth

I thought we were going to stop doing this to ourselves, but alas here we are. Join Russ, Alex, Peter and myself as we practice our slight of hand with Now You See Me and learn that fear is a choice with After Earth. Recorded on June 4th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #40: Furious Trek 6: Midnight Ha

Here it is! The one you’ve been waiting for! Well, the one we’ve been waiting for. Even though Alex didn’t like it as much. What a jerk. Join Alex, Russ, Pete and myself as we gush over Fast and Furious 6, have a light hearted look at Star Trek: Into Darkness, and take a brief respite to talk about Before Midnight and Frances Ha. Recorded on May 29th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #39: Iron Gatsby

Holy calamity! We have a LIVE IMPROV show at LIC’s The Creek and the Cave in an hour! So what am I doing here? Well getting you the latest hotness from us, the Movie Movie Podcast crew! Join Alex, Russ, Peter and myself as we toss our shirts at The Great Gatsby and play detective with Iron Man 3. Recorded on May 14th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #38: Pain & Oblivion

The summer movie season is finally upon us! In spring! Long lines, long movies and lots to bitch about!  Join Peter, Alex, Russ and myself as we dig deeper into Oblivion and get down and dirty with Pain and Gain. Recorded on May 1 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #37: Evil Joe: Retaliation

We’re back with a brand new podcast for you! I know it’s been a while and we should have called, or texted, left a note, something. We’re sorry and we’ve come with an olive branch of sorts, a new podcast! Join Peter, Alex, Russ and myself as we rip each other apart over Evil Dead and take down Cobra with G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Recorded on April 10th 2013.

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