Category Archives: Movie Movie Podcast

Movie Movie Podcast #56: The One Where We Talk About Movies

dawn-planet-apesI actually forgot my password to sign into the site, that’s how long it’s been since our last podcast. We’ve seen a bunch though, but of course it was late and everyone was tired so… yeah. Join Peter, Russ, Alex and myself as we talk about Transformers: Age of Extinction, Purge: Anarchy, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Boyhood, How to Train Your Dragon 2, Deliver Us from Evil, 22 Jump Street, They Came Together, Snowpiercer, Edge of Tomorrow, Maleficent and more on this episode of the Movie Movie Podcast. Recorded on July 23rd 2014.

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Movie Movie Podcast #55: Shade Thrown


You know the drill, I talk about how we haven’t had a podcast in a while, then I apologize half heartedly, then I say something that only I think is funny. Then I write the description. Join Russ, Pete, Alex and myself as we talk about Brick Mansions, Neighbors, Amazing Spiderman 2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, the Edgar Wright Ant-Man debacle and more on this episode of the Movie Movie Podcast. Recorded on March 28th 2014.

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Movie Movie Podcast #54: Off the Ropes


We’re trying something a littttttle bit new, but really more of the same. Join Russ, Alex, Peter and myself as we discuss Grand Budapest Hotel, The Raid 2, Under the Skin, Wrestlemania 30, the fate of CM Punk, Captain America 2, and more on this episode of the Movie Movie Podcast. Recorded on April 14th 2014.

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Movie Movie Podcast #53: Oscarcast 2014



The 86th Academy Awards happened and we have a lot of opinions about it! Not to mention a brief run in with Mountain Dew flavored Cheetos. Join Russ, Alex, Peter and myself as we discuss the winners and losers at the 86th Academy Awards. Recorded on March 5th 2014.

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Movie Movie Podcast #52: Keep the Train Mowing

So I call this one episode 53 right at the beginning, which is incorrect (obviously), and the call kind of go off the rails with a lot of technical difficulties. We talked about not even putting this one up, but there’s one good joke in it that’s worth the other painful time listening. Join Peter, Russ, Alex and myself as we talk about The Wind Rises, Robocop, The Monuments Men and The Lego Movie. Recorded on February 26th 2014.

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Movie Movie Podcast #51: Top Ten of the Year

Priest and the Beekeeper

We’re back! And with an all new podcast! You won’t just be hearing from Pete and his FMF’s this month. Join Alex, Russ, Peter and myself as we discuss our top ten favorite movies of the year, and our pick for worst movie of the year as well!

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Fake Movie Friday: The Clockwork King

It’s a new year, 2013 (the year of the lull) is over and it’s time for 2014 (the year of…um… I’ll get back to you on that one). I haven’t written a FMF in almost a year, Pete has been holding down the fort for all of us, which is why I looked to him for the title of my first FMF back in action. I give you:

The Clockwork King

We open on an old toyshop. An elderly old man is working diligently to fix up an old animated king doll. The gears look like the inner workings of a Grandfather Clock. Finally the old man finishes, dusts off the king, puts him in a shelf, turns out the light and closes up shop for the evening. The king then opens his eyes, looks around the shop, tests out his limbs to make sure everything is working and then jumps off the shelf.

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Movie Movie Podcast #50: Ender’s Dark Years

Happy 50 everyone! Still going strong! Sort of. We just take a lot of breaks. Join Alex, Peter, Russ and myself as we discuss 12 Years a Slave, Ender’s Game, Thor: The Dark World and Bad Grandpa. Recorded on November 13th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #49: Prisoners with a Chance of Gravity Chapter 2

After a bit of a break we’re back to give you more of what you want. Us! Short dek this week, eh? Join Peter, Russ, Alex and myself as we discuss Insidious Chapter 2, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, Gravity and Prisoners on this episode of the Movie Movie Podcast! Recorded on October 8th 2013.

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Movie Movie Podcast #48: You’re the World’s Riddick

FOOTBALL SEASON STARTED! FOOTBALL SEASON STARTED! FOOTBALL SEASON STARTED!! FOOTBALL SEASON STARTED! FOOTBALL SEASON STARTED!!! Join Russ, Alex, Peter and myself as we discuss the finer points of Riddick, The World’s End, Labor Day, The Grandmaster and You’re Next. Recorded on September 11 2013.

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