Category Archives: Movie Movie Trailers

Primer’s Shane Caurruth finally made a new movie and it’s about…

… I have no idea. Its official synopsis is “A man and woman are drawn together, entangled in the life cycle of an ageless organism. Identity becomes an illusion as they struggle to assemble the loose fragments of wrecked lives.” So there is that… I was just talking to the Movie Movie dudes the other day about the most consistent and impressive time travel movies, Peter said it was Time Crimes, whereas I said it was Primer. The trailer looks beautiful and Primer gives Shane Caurruth a life time pass, so I am as excited as hell to see what he has in store.

Via Ain’t It Cool

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World War Z Trailer

I’m a little worried about the over CGI-zation of the Zombies themselves, but I kinda like that they move in tsunami-like hordes.  This is the first glimpse of the Zombie epic film.  I think it looks pretty decent nonetheless.  Marc Forster has made some good films, but then he’s also made Quantum of Solace…

Check it out:


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Twilight with Zombies: Warm Bodies Trailer actually looks good

I wasn’t aware that this was happening, but I have to admit that it looks good. Yeah, the concept is basically Twilight with zombies, but that film actually looks like a lot of fun, and with some great zombie designs to boot (those skeletons look pretty good). Granted I’ll pretty much watch anything with zombies, and a love story with zombies isn’t unprecedented. Return of the Living Dead 3 is basically Romeo and Juliet with zombies, and My Boyfriend’s Back and Zombie Honeymoon both deal with trying to continue a relationship after one party has been turned to a zombie. Looks like fun.

Via Ain’t It Cool

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Maniac Trailer NSFW

Damn. The original Maniac was one of those late 70s early 80s grindhouse style films set in grimy NYC. It’s a decent film but one that’s not blasphemous to remake. The remake looks unsettling as hell and Elijah Wood looks like such a creep. I just hope the first person stuff doesn’t end up feeling like too much of a gimmick. Color me impressed.

Via Badass Digest

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One To Make You Want To Kill, One to Release That Need.

Firstly, check out the trailer for ‘Safe Haven’, the most recent Nicholas Sparks adaptation.

If you are like me, I bet you hate the world right now. You want to watch people suffer. You’re in luck! Check out the red band trailer for the ‘Evil Dead’ remake.

Feel better?

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Iron Man 3 Trailer

Russ showed us the trailer for the trailer yesterday. Here it is in all it’s glory. Mandarin, Iron Patriot, Nerd Boners!

datBloo on YouTube had the best comment about this: “Not so big and bad now Tony. Avengers ain’t gonna come save you now bro!”

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Iron Man 3: The Trailer Before The Trailer

Terry Crews said it months ago “YOU GOT TO HAVE A TRAILER FOR THE TRAILER” when discussing Expendables 2, and Iron Man 3 heeded that call.

This is a 15 second teaser for the trailer coming out tomorrow on Apple Trailers.

I’m in.  But of course I am.


Not A Fake Movie Friday

We regret to inform you that the above trailer for ‘So Undercover’ is in fact real. Actual people worked to make this film and many of them were paid handsomely for it.

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Django Unchained Trailer #2

I need to see this movie more than anyone will ever know.  The second trailer makes me feel even more like it’s the reparation-based film I’ve been waiting for my whole life!

It looks like everyone involved in this film is having the best time ever whilst filming it.  Leonardo DiCaprio will probably finally get his Oscar. Maybe.

Check it:

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Hitchcock: Sadly Not A Will Smith Franchise Mash-up Film

Enjoy this trailer. Hopkins and Mirren seem to have great chemistry and will be the ones to look to carry this movie.

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