Category Archives: Movie Movie Trailers

Danny Boyle’s Trance Red Band Trailer

Danny Boyle is one of the most interesting directors working today because every movie he makes is totally different from the one before. I wasn’t blown away by the Green Band trailer that came out a little bit ago, but this Red Band trailer is nuts. Definitely give this one a watch.

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Pain And Gain Trailer

Now before we all jump on Michael Bay for making nothing but awful movies, lets remember he directed The Rock, Bad Boys, and one of my favorite action movies of all time, Bad Boys II.  I like that with Pain and Gain he’s getting back to telling a smaller story (by his standards) and it’s set in the 90’s, a time he knows extremely well having been a music video director.

His leads are Mark Wahlberg, Anthony Mackie, and The Rock playing a bunch of juiced-up gym rats.  I’m sold on that alone.

See for yourself:

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Star Trek Into Darkness Teaser

So we got that short bit of Star Trek footage a few weeks back and it looked great.  Benedict Cumberbatch’s villain seems to be close to Kirk and a real threat, bringing some serious “Darkness” to the film.   The first full teaser goes further to emphasize that.  If you can’t tell from the Man of Steely voiceover and Hans Zimmers “BWAAAAAAAAANG” than you need to get your eyes checked.

Also, textbook lensflare in this:


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Trailer Round Up: Man of Steel

I will say nothing.  Watch it for yourself and judge.

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Trailer Round Up – The Lone Ranger

If there is one thing in common with this trailer round up is that they all look visually amazing. Weirdly out of all the trailers today, I’m most excited about this movie. Yeah, having such a big budget increases the possibility that this will bomb, but at least every dollar looks like it is on the screen. There is a sense of fun and excitement from this trailer that I wasn’t really expecting. Color me optimistic.

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Trailer Round Up – After Earth

Pete talked about this film here . I’ve hated M. Night’s recent output and hope that this is an improvement (though I don’t know how he could make a movie worse than The Last Airbender…). There is some cool imagery in the trailer, but what is up with Will Smith’s accent? It’s bizarre. As an unabashed fan of Shyamalan, what do you think Peter?

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Trailer Round Up – Oblivion

Joseph Kosinski’s first movie after Tron: Legacy certainly looks gorgeous. I’m a fan of Tron: Legacy but I totally understand why people had problems with the story, so let’s hope Kosinski has worked on his storytelling skills. The trailer hints at some harder sci-fi elements, this cool be fun. Russ had a post about the music here , wonder if any of that music made it’s way to the trailer…

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Star Trek Into Darkness Teaser Trailer

The full trailer comes out next week, but here is the Japanese teaser with a little bit of extra footage. Benedict Cumberbatch looks awesome as the villain (whoever the hell he ends up being). The film looks epic. There are some shades of Wrath of Khan at the end of this one…

Via Ain’t It Cool

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