Author Archives: Dunn

The Mandarin Character Poster


I kinda love this picture of the Mandarin. There was some controversy over the casting of Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin because of racial issues, which is understandable. It is worth pointing out that the Mandarin character itself is pretty racist. Regardless, it looks like they are trying to build a unique character. A commenter named Nicholas Slayton at Slashfilm had this to say:

“They said the Mandarin basically collects warrior symbols from different cultures and re appropriates them in a twisted way. US army camo pants and boots. Chinese robes. A samurai topknot. Captain American-type helmet. OBL-style beard. Tony’s (or maybe Killian’s?) glasses. Very twisted idea that kind of works.”

I think he is mostly right on and points out a lot of details that I had missed, though it is more likely that the helmet is a UN helmet, not a Captain American-type helmet.

Via SlahFilm

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Fake Movie Friday – The White Wolf

People love stories of white people becoming members of native societies (Avatar, Dances with Wolves, Ferngully etc) and learning some valuable lessons, this fake movie is pretty much that, with an added twist taken from a certain disappointing recent animated movie. Enjoy:

The White Wolf

We open with some establishing shots of a Jungle. We cut to a bumbling character. He is wearing a pith helmet and looking very out of place. He is scared and is making way too much noise. In what is supposed to be a tension filled scene, we see a panther slowly stalk the character. The panther lunges at him and we hear a gunshot go off. Emerging from the wilderness dramatically is a hunter. The camera cuts to the dead panther, then cuts to the opening credits.

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Harrison Ford will be back for Episode VII


According to Latino Review Harrison Ford will be back as Han Solo in the J.J.’s Star Wars movie. There seems to be a lot of cynicism over the news with people bringing up Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I get where they are coming from, but I think this could totally work. I’m all for bringing back Luke, Leia, and Han, with two reservations. One, they have to be mindful of what, as Devin Faraci calls it, “small universe crap”. That is, it seems like the universe revolves around the Skywalker family. And two, they have to kill off Luke, Leia or Han. It would give this new trilogy emotional weight, and allow the story to continue forward without being tied to much to the original trilogy. Just like Qui-Gon Jinn in Episode I and Obi-Wan in Episode IV, someone should die in this movie.

Via Latino Review

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Jason Momoa cast in Guardians of the Galaxy


The rumor is that Jason Momoa has been cast as Drax in James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy. This seems like dead on casting to me based. My only reservation is I really only know him from Game of Thrones, so I haven’t really seen him speak English… I’m not too worried because critics seemed to like him in Bullet in the Head, and from my recollection of the comic, Drax wasn’t overly chatty. If this turns out to be true, it would be in keeping with Marvel’s track record of giving actors their first really big break.

Via Slash Film

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Peter Dinklage will be in Days of Future Past


Shortly after the announcement that Days of Future Past will be shot natively in 3D, word has it that Peter Dinklage has been cast in the new X-Men movie. Everyone’s first guess is Puck (well, I didn’t guess Puck, I have to admit I’d never heard of him), but Devin has some interesting theories about who he could be playing. I don’t totally buy it, but it would be great if Dinklage was playing a motion captured CG character. Whatever the case, Days of Future Past is getting more interesting by the minute…

via Ain’t It Cool

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Danny Boyle’s Trance Red Band Trailer

Danny Boyle is one of the most interesting directors working today because every movie he makes is totally different from the one before. I wasn’t blown away by the Green Band trailer that came out a little bit ago, but this Red Band trailer is nuts. Definitely give this one a watch.

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Dunn’s Top 20 Movies of 2012


It was a great year for movies. I didn’t have a problem finding 20 movies that I loved this year, and there was a bunch of flicks that were great the didn’t quite make my list (i.e. Dredd). I waited so long to make the list because I wanted to see as many movies as I could, but I still couldn’t see everything (I’m most bummed about missing Wreck It Ralph). But out of what I was able to see, here are 20 of my favorites:

20. The Comedy
19. The Raid
18. Seven Psychopaths
17. Killer Joe
16. Searching for Sugarman
15. Paul Williams Is Still Alive
14. Lincoln
13. Looper
12. Cloud Atlas
11. Silver Linings Playbook

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Ash’s Top 10 Movies of 2012

Here are Ash’s Top 10 movies of the year. Does she have better taste than me? Well she has The Raid as number 2 and Dredd didn’t even make my list, so you be the judge:


10. Dredd
9. Looper
8. Django Unchained
7. Cloud Atlas
6. Silver Linings Playbook
5. The Avengers
4. American Scream
3. Moonrise Kingdom
2. The Raid
1. Cabin in the woods


J.J. Abrams is directing Star Wars Episode VII!

I am very conflicted about this news. Here are some of my thoughts:

The Good

Episode VII will be good. No seriously, it will be. J.J. has a proven track record of making good movies, and he is capable of making a good Star Wars movie.

Episode VII will be fun. His Star Trek movie especially shows that J.J. knows how to keep a fun tone which the Star Wars franchise is in desperate need of.

Episode VII will probably have good characters, but it will certainly be well cast. J.J. was able to recast the iconic original Star Trek cast, and did some great casting (especially the child actors) in Super 8. This may be the key to the films success-Probably the biggest thing wrong with the prequels (of which there are many…) is the lack of compelling characters (hell forget characters, most of the cast didn’t even feel like human beings *cough* Hayden Christensen *cough*).

The Bad

It feels very strange that one dude will have effectively rebooted the two biggest science fiction franchises. I really hope that J.J. will be able to keep both franchises feeling separate.

Episode VII will probably not be incredible. Look at this point the Star Wars franchise, and Disney especially, needs Episode VII to be a solid movie. It makes total sense to tap J.J. for that purpose-it’s a safe choice. All of J.J.’s movies to this point have been good to very good, but none of them have incredible. A riskier director could have had the potential to make Episode VII transcendent.

The Ugly

The Bad Robot of it all. I’m not looking forward to years of damn mystery boxes and viral marketing.

Most scary of all though: Alex Kurtzman, Roberto Orci and *shudder* Damon Lindelof. Let’s keep them as far away from Star Wars as we can

Via Ain’t It Cool

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Spring Breakers Trailer looks insane

I’m a huge Harmony Korine fan, so I would see this movie regardless. But after this trailer, I am insanely excited for it. Maybe awkwardly so…

Via Ain’t It Cool

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