Monthly Archives: February 2013

Fake Movie Friday Submissions- The Dinosaurs are Extinct and So Is Love

Lisa LoFaso:

The other day Tigs randomly gchatted me asking for ideas for titles of emo songs, and after coming up with a few I came up with this title. I liked it so much I decided to make it a movie. But the movie’s not emo at all, it’s pretty fun. So here goes:

The Dinosaurs are Extinct and So Is Love
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Fake Movie Friday- Valentine’s Day Massacre

Day off y’all! Miss Caity Roarke had a birthday this week and I graciously gave her naming duties for this week’s film. She really knocked it out of the park in terms of originality (EYE ROLL). This film has the best opening scene I’ve ever written.

Valentine’s Day Massacre

Movie opens with 2 people fucking.
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Peter Dinklage will be in Days of Future Past


Shortly after the announcement that Days of Future Past will be shot natively in 3D, word has it that Peter Dinklage has been cast in the new X-Men movie. Everyone’s first guess is Puck (well, I didn’t guess Puck, I have to admit I’d never heard of him), but Devin has some interesting theories about who he could be playing. I don’t totally buy it, but it would be great if Dinklage was playing a motion captured CG character. Whatever the case, Days of Future Past is getting more interesting by the minute…

via Ain’t It Cool

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Danny Boyle’s Trance Red Band Trailer

Danny Boyle is one of the most interesting directors working today because every movie he makes is totally different from the one before. I wasn’t blown away by the Green Band trailer that came out a little bit ago, but this Red Band trailer is nuts. Definitely give this one a watch.

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Dunn’s Top 20 Movies of 2012


It was a great year for movies. I didn’t have a problem finding 20 movies that I loved this year, and there was a bunch of flicks that were great the didn’t quite make my list (i.e. Dredd). I waited so long to make the list because I wanted to see as many movies as I could, but I still couldn’t see everything (I’m most bummed about missing Wreck It Ralph). But out of what I was able to see, here are 20 of my favorites:

20. The Comedy
19. The Raid
18. Seven Psychopaths
17. Killer Joe
16. Searching for Sugarman
15. Paul Williams Is Still Alive
14. Lincoln
13. Looper
12. Cloud Atlas
11. Silver Linings Playbook

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Ash’s Top 10 Movies of 2012

Here are Ash’s Top 10 movies of the year. Does she have better taste than me? Well she has The Raid as number 2 and Dredd didn’t even make my list, so you be the judge:


10. Dredd
9. Looper
8. Django Unchained
7. Cloud Atlas
6. Silver Linings Playbook
5. The Avengers
4. American Scream
3. Moonrise Kingdom
2. The Raid
1. Cabin in the woods


Fake Movie Friday- Where’s the Spinach?

Over dinner I asked Adam and Evelyn to give me a title. After Adam suggested ‘MS DOS: The Movie’ I thought I would never get a good one. Then the following question was asked, and afterwards I was told that it would be my title. Critics who throw the word around like it was candy could describe this film as “whimsical.”

Where’s the Spinach?
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Fake Movie Friday Submissions: The Littlest Werewolf

Hurray! Lisa LoFaso has submitted her first Fake Movie Friday! Thanks Lisa! Keep ’em coming:
So I gave this premise to Tigs around Halloween but he said I had to write it and I never finished it. So now, here is my first attempt at a Fake Movie Friday. Hopefully it doesn’t suck too bad.
The Littlest Werewolf

Fake Movie Friday: Fever Dream Monsters

So I think I did a similar movie two weeks or so ago (and plenty of times before that), but no one read it so whatever. Colm gave me the title:

Fever Dream Monsters

Rachel has just moved into a small, pastoral, midwestern town. Very few of the other towns folk like her, and she’s not incredibly likable anyway. She very standoffish and stands out even more because of her all black, goth appearance. She opened up a tattoo parlor there, Evil Ink, in hopes to freak out some citizens and attract others. Which it does. The small fan base she has are other outcasts from the town, and mostly younger than Rachel. She seems to attract the high school emo kids and those coming back from college. Continue reading

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Movie Movie Podcast #32: Bullet Bodies

We made it through the January lull and now we’re knee deep in the February slump! The year can only get better from here, right? Right!?!?! Join Peter, Russ, Alex and myself as we play good cop / bad cop with Bullet to the Head, leave Warm Bodies for dead and discuss our favorite Super Bowl trailers (spoiler: Fast 6 is best). Recorded on February 6th 2013.

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