Monthly Archives: December 2012

Trailer Round Up – Oblivion

Joseph Kosinski’s first movie after Tron: Legacy certainly looks gorgeous. I’m a fan of Tron: Legacy but I totally understand why people had problems with the story, so let’s hope Kosinski has worked on his storytelling skills. The trailer hints at some harder sci-fi elements, this cool be fun. Russ had a post about the music here , wonder if any of that music made it’s way to the trailer…

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Fake Movie Friday: Hillbilly Preacher

We watched a movie with a hillbilly preacher in it last night, and then Andrew Dunn gave me the suggestion of that as the title for todays FMF.

Hillbilly Preacher

Travis lives in the small, back woods community known as Greenside. There are 40 people who live there with him, all with different trades and skill sets. Travis is the one who keeps everyone believing, the preacher at their local parish which is the tallest building in the area. The whole community loves Travis, they are a self-sustaining people and have been able to make do without electricity, consumerism and government.  Continue reading

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Fake Movie Friday: Polly & Max 2: No Time Like The Past

So I’ll assume the first Polly & Max made way more money than it should, so here is the sequel.

The sequel opens up a few months after the events of the original.  Polly & Max are both getting ready to go to college and Virgil tells them to keep their power usage to a minimum.   They say ok, looking at each other and it’s obvious that they plan on using their powers.  Anyway as they meet their roommates and go to class, we see them using their powers back and forth.  Next we cut to a village close to that volcano from the end of the first movie. A badly injured SlechteMal in being cared for by a foreign family, when all of a sudden his eyes light up and he levitates.  He starts laughing.  Apparently whenever Polly and Max use their powers now, he grows stronger.  He kills the family and escapes.

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Fake Movie Friday: Crash Course

So I’m writing this a night early so I don’t miss tomorrow again. At Terror Thursday at Tig’s and got this title. Here we go!

Crash Course

Movie opens up on a high school. A group of rich kids drive their fancy cars into the lot and look cool. RECORD SCRATCH we cut to a crappy looking driving instructors car. Inside Tom is dropping of his kids Chris and Kelly. They are ashamed of him and the fact that he drives them to school. He doesn’t think they are ready for the responsibility and it is too dangerous.

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Fake Movie Friday: Elon Musk

I’ve been MIA in these Fake Movie Fridays for too long, so here is mine for this week. I went with a heavily wikipedia researched movie for this week. I really think someone will eventually make a movie like this, Elon Musk is just too much of a badass to not make a movie about him. I mean, Jon Favreau modeled Tony Stark after him. I think the way to make an actual good movie would be to to focus on one part of his life (Tesla Motors) kinda like The Social Network. But this is a Fake Movie Friday, so of course we see him as a kid etc. Hope you enjoy!

Elon Musk

We begin with shots of the African savannah, sunsets and lions etc. This is done just because that’s America’s vision of Africa even though that has no bearing on the story and is a bit insulting. We then cut to a home in Pretoria, South Africa (people seem to forget there are cities in Africa…). A 10 year old boy named Elon Musk is opening a gift from his family. It is the families first computer. The boy is overjoyed and immediately sets it up and starts to play around on it. The camera zooms into the flickering screen and the credits begin. The credits sequence is meant to look like it all being displayed on the flickering computer monitor. ‘C’ code is being written that generates the crews names, we see crude CAD schematic drawing of cars and car components, and we see educational software showing topics such as electricity, early scientists and the history of space travel.

The camera pans back from the screen and a title card indicates that it is two years later. The boy is still at the computer (it is probably the same child actor of continuity’s sake). He is playing a game called Blaster. His younger brother by one year Kimbal asks if he can finally get a turn. Their dad walks over to watch the game over his son’s computer. “Elon, you made this?”. Elon is engrossed in the game and just nods. “What are you going to do with it?” his father asks. Elon replies “Sell it I guess.”

We cut to Musk in college watching a lecture. The professor is talking about Nikola Tesla. She explains that Tesla is not as well know as he should be, that he did more to improve the world than most better known scientists, but because he was so fiercely independent, unconventional and forward thinking that he had been smeared by his rivals. She goes become inspirational and talks about how one man can change the world. Musk is enraptured. He writes down in his notes :

“Important problems that would most affect the future of humanity:
1. The Internet
2. Space
3. Clean energy”

Cut to title card “The Internet 1995”.

It is Elon’s second day of graduate school at Stanford studying applied physics and material science. He is in a physics lecture. It is a huge lecture hall but there are only a handful of students. Elon looks very bored and he puts his head down and starts to sleep. He begins to snore and the other students start to snicker. The professor is annoyed and yells his name. Elon wakes up. The professor says “This is my second lecture and you are already that bored. Do you have something you’d rather be doing?” Elon responds “Yeah, I’m going to build something” and he walks out of the lecture hall.

Elon immediately calls his brother Kimbal and convinces him to help him create his first company. They work together to create Zip2 an internet company (it creates software for content publishing, but it isn’t sexy so the movie keeps it vague).

Cut to title card “The Internet 1999”

Elon has a heart to heart with his brother. He talks about how he is getting bored with the company and he wants to do other things. Kimbal agrees and says that Elon should just do what he did with Blaster and sell the company. The company is bought by Compaq for $307 million.

Elon and Kimbal throw a big party the employees of Zip2. Everyone is wearing tuxes and drinking champagne. The party winds down and Kimbal and Elon, looking disheveled, are sitting in a stairwell sipping champagne. Elon says he can’t believe they are millionaires. Kimbal agrees. Elon starts talking about how he has an idea for a internet finance company but Kimbal stops him. He says that these were the best years of his life but he wasn’t ready to start something right then. The scene is played like a break up. Kimbal agrees to invest in the new company but he won’t help to build it.

Elon starts to build his new company is called He is obsessed with trying to make it easier for people to transfer money to each other. He draws these big diagrams on whiteboard of stick figures and money symbols with arrows going from one to the other. Elon is very excited and calls his brother to tell him about it. Kimbal is impressed but says “This company is all about bringing people together. doesn’t sound very friendly. It’s about giving money to friends, and I think the name should reflect that.” On a sheet of paper Elon writes “transfer money – friend”. And in a twist worthy of the end of Dark Knight Rises, under “transfer money” he writes “Pay” and under “friend” he writes “Pal”. (Note that reality was much more complicated than that, but the filmmakers claim dramatic license)

Cut to title card “Space 2002”

After selling PayPal to EBay for $1.5 Billion Musk start work on his third company SpaceX. In their first company meeting Elon is somber. He says that what they are doing is important. That this is about the future of humanity, that “An asteroid or a super volcano could destroy us, and we face risks the dinosaurs never saw: An engineered virus, inadvertent creation of a micro black hole, catastrophic global warming or some as-yet-unknown technology could spell the end of us. Humankind evolved over millions of years, but in the last sixty years atomic weaponry created the potential to extinguish ourselves. Sooner or later, we must expand life beyond this green and blue ball—or go extinct.” (This is a direct quote from Elon, the filmmakers always make it a point to pat themselves on the back because of how much dialogue was true to life).

It is a board meeting months later for SpaceX, Kimbal is one of the members. There has just been a hiccup in the plans and Elon is frustrated. Elon explains again how important it is for them to succeed. When the meeting is over Kimbal stops Elon and says he wants to talk with him alone. Kimbal says that this is just a minor setback and that Elon seems to be so obsessed with the mission that he is blowing things out of proportion. Elon says that there is just so many things that threaten humanity’s existence that we have to colonize space. Kimbal asks what he thinks the most dangerous threat is, and Elon responds global warming. Kimbal says “then why don’t you do something about it”

Cut to title card “Clean Energy 2003”

We open in a high tech factory, there is a rough edge to it as evidence by exposed wire and equipment half hazardly lying around. Elon is giving a pep talk to a bunch of engineers. “We are all here to make the world a better and cleaner place. Global warming threatens the future of humanity but it is not an intractable problem. We will reduce the burning of fossil fuels by making the first viable electric car company. Change is hard, and we have to be bold and innovative to survive. The plan is to start by building high end sports cars so we can eventually create an affordable mid-sized fully electric vehicle. We take inspiration from one of the most innovative scientists Nikola Tesla, and our name will reflect that. We are Tesla Motors!”

Cut to title card “Clean Energy 2006”

We are at Burning Man, and we watch Elon take some acid. He begins to explore the art installations and the imagery slowly becomes more expressionistic. He strips naked and wonders into the open desert, and then lies on his back as the sun beats down on him. The camera cuts to a view of the sun and slowly zooms into it. Elon walks up sunburned and matter-of-factly returns to the group and borrows a cell phone. He calls up Peter and Lyndon Rive (who have probably be introduced before now). He says that he has an idea for a solar energy company if they were interested.

Cut to title card “2012”

We are at the SpaceX control room as their Dragon spacecraft is about to dock with the International Space Station. Tensions are running high. Actual documentary footage begins to be cut in with the film until eventually it is just documentary. A cheer erupts as the Dragon successfully docks with the ISS.

We fade to black and title cards appear which say:

“The Dragon spacecraft docked with the ISS on May 25 2012, making SpaceX the first commercial company to accomplish the feat.

Tesla Motors released their first sedan, the Tesla Model S on June 1 2012 which was named Automobile Magazines 2013 Car of the Year

Solar City, the solar company created based on Elon’s idea continues to create and install solar energy systems and as of 2012 has 1600 employees”

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Star Trek Into Darkness Teaser Trailer

The full trailer comes out next week, but here is the Japanese teaser with a little bit of extra footage. Benedict Cumberbatch looks awesome as the villain (whoever the hell he ends up being). The film looks epic. There are some shades of Wrath of Khan at the end of this one…

Via Ain’t It Cool

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Movie Movie Podcast #25: Red Pie

I was going to do some inspirational speech here but now I’m just thinking about pie. Mmmmmmm pie….. I’m so hungry… Join Alex, Peter, Russ and myself as we fight back against Red Dawn and get a little introspective with Life of Pie. Recorded on December 5th, 2012.

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First Ender’s Game Still

Here it is, the first still from the upcoming Ender’s Game movie. I love the hell out of the book series, and I am anxious to see what the movie will be like visually, particularly the battle room sequences. There isn’t too much to go on from this still except that the kids are older than in the novel (which makes sense, it would be impossible to find a bunch of six year olds who can act), and Harrison Ford looks good as Graff. I can’t wait for the trailer to really get a sense of what this will be like.

Via EW

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Day of the Dead

“First he created the most frightening film ever made. Then he took his unique vision of terror on step further. Now George A Romero takes us out of the Night beyond the Dawn and into the darkest Day of horror the world has ever known. Day of the Dead.” Such a great trailer. Day of the Dead is an amazing work and is on par with Night and Dawn, but it does have a few issues that keep it from being as beloved as the first two. Dawn had this comic book adventure tone, Day is simply bleak. The characters aren’t very likable, and because they have been stuck underground so long that are very on edge and are constantly yelling at each other. This continuous arguing and screaming makes the movie much less fun to watch. While I’m not the biggest fan of the zombie makeup (the large brows make them look like cave men IMHO), the gore effects are some of the best ever put on screen. The whole movie is on Youtube:

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Primer’s Shane Caurruth finally made a new movie and it’s about…

… I have no idea. Its official synopsis is “A man and woman are drawn together, entangled in the life cycle of an ageless organism. Identity becomes an illusion as they struggle to assemble the loose fragments of wrecked lives.” So there is that… I was just talking to the Movie Movie dudes the other day about the most consistent and impressive time travel movies, Peter said it was Time Crimes, whereas I said it was Primer. The trailer looks beautiful and Primer gives Shane Caurruth a life time pass, so I am as excited as hell to see what he has in store.

Via Ain’t It Cool

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