Monthly Archives: November 2012

Maniac Trailer NSFW

Damn. The original Maniac was one of those late 70s early 80s grindhouse style films set in grimy NYC. It’s a decent film but one that’s not blasphemous to remake. The remake looks unsettling as hell and Elijah Wood looks like such a creep. I just hope the first person stuff doesn’t end up feeling like too much of a gimmick. Color me impressed.

Via Badass Digest

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Dead-Alive AKA Braindead

The 90’s were a rough period for zombie movies. After Scream revitalized the slasher movie genre it seemed like there wasn’t a lot of room for more traditional movie monsters, werewolves vampires, zombies and the like. But luckily there were one or two gems, including Dead-Alive. Widely considered the goriest movie ever, Dead-Alive is one of my favorite pre-Lord of the Rings Peter Jackson movie. You can see elements from Peter Jackson’s early movies in his Middle Earth films. The obvious one from Dead-Alive is that the actor who plays Void is Nori in The Hobbit. People don’t talk about how much his horror movie experience added to the Lord of the Rings. I’m trying to finally get through the LOTR books and the Nazgul (black riders) don’t come off the page as being that menacing, but in the film Jackson makes them horror movie villains. The bold excesses of gore found in the lawnmower sequence is related to the excesses in the final battle of The Return of the King with it’s hundreds of thousands of soldiers. But apart from Jackson’s later works, Dead-Alive is still an extremely strong and fun film that doesn’t let the gore overpower the characters or the story.

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Movie Movie Podcast #22: Wreck It With Iron Fists

All your podcast are belong to us! Welcome to another edition of the Movie Movie Podcast! Join Pete, Russ, Alex and myself as we reminisce about Wreck-It Ralph and show our hidden styles with The Man With the Iron Fists. Recorded on November 7th 2012.

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Fake Movie Friday – The Compound

This is one of those middle eastern political thrillers about covert ops and stuff. I blame Hurricane Sandy for this being late.

Jamie Foxx and Jessica Biel play the lead Army Rangers, James Caller and Jill Harper who are recruited to do special ops missions for the CIA.  Their handler, Cal Marshall played by Kyle Chandler recruited them because he used to be their unit commander back in the day.  Anyway, Cal puts together covert mission to extract a U.S. POW, Will Stilton, played by Bill Fichtner from indiscriminant Arab terrorist forces, as soon as he gets the intel as to where Will is.

They go into some curiously empty cave thingy where the terrorists are and they extract Will using deadly force.  They are ambushed however by the indiscriminant terrorists and are all three, forced to hole up in a local town restaurant until the coast is clear.  Cal goes to the head of the CIA covert ops division, David Wallace, played by Mark Strong, to ask him to send more soldiers into their area because he got a distress call.  David says he wont risk it.  The information about this mission has already spread to far. Cal angrily reports back to James and Jill that they will have to get Will out themselves.  Cal put the mission together without his authorization, so he wont put his name on it.

James and Jill are partners long enough we can tell that they’ve been in situations like this before and know how to handle it, but Will tells them this is different.  If he gets back to the US and reports back on the terrorist activity he found, he’ll be a target.  Long story short he tells them that (flashback scene) David sent him to Iraq months ago to gain intel on terrorist activity and Will was too good at his job and found out that David was paying Iraqui terrorists to commit crimes on US soil, so that our foreign defense policies would look weak, he could gain more authority and use that to leverage a presidential campaign.  If Will comes back alive he’ll be killed and discredited.  James and Jill say that’s not going to happen.  They have a plan.  They decide, the only way to get back to the US safely, is to be considered dead.  They discreetly contact Cal and tell them what they’re going to do and he says it’s a suicide mission.  James says “exactly”.  They decide that they are going to go back into the caves, and go back INTO the terrorist compound to get hard evidence on David, and be considered dead.

The next act is nothing but a bunch of hardcore terrorist killing action by James and Will, while Jill does hacker stuff to get into rooms that have photos of David shaking terrorist dudes hands and stuff.  They get the info but not before Will is shot in the neck and killed.  He tells them he’ll die a patriot if they get that evidence back to someone they trust at the CIA.  David catches on that Cal’s been speaking with James and Jill and attempts to paint those three as US terrorists and uses his new authority to do so.  However, by the time James and Jill get back to US soil and get the flashdrive of information to one of the CIA field agents who is waiting to arrest them, the jig is up.  The agent calls to have another agent arrest David for crimes against the US.  He shoots one of the agents and James and now freed Cal run after him as he goes to a roof to get a helicopter.  James and Cal corner him and right as David tries to shoot Cal, Jill from behind shoots him.

James and Jill clear Will’s name, Cal takes over the division and everyone wins.  Some useless stats about military stuff plays on screen.  The end.


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Fake Movie Friday: Con-Kid

CRAP. I completely forgot it was Friday. So lets shit something out shall we? Taking the genius method of the Artist Currently Known as Tigs and using a random word generator. I got, BURGLER and SCHOOLCHILD. So this is a bit of a rip off of the 2004 film ‘Catch that Kid.’ The title is not to be confused with some kid version of ‘Con-Air.’

Con-kid Continue reading


Fake Movie Friday: Good Morning, Delilah

I can’t think of anything witty to say here (arguably I never have) so let’s just jump into this movie!

Good Morning, Delilah

We open on a middle-aged house wife, Delilah, straightening up, cleaning, cooking, and such. Her husband comes home and they have dinner and chat about their day. It is obvious that Delilah is a bit immature. They seem to have a relatively normal life and relationship until one day Delilah starts to hear thing and see shadows outside, shadows that tower over the house but there doesn’t seem to be anything causing the shadows.

Continue reading

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Movie Movie Podcast #21: Cloud Revelation 3D

Phew, we made it. We narrowly escaped Halloween in one piece, now there’s nothing left to do but relax…wait…do you hear that…oh no…it can’t be…it’s impossible! Nope! It’s just the Movie Movie Podcast! Join Russ, Alex, Peter and myself as we vociferously violate Silent Hill: Revelation 3D and take a spiritual ride with Cloud Atlas. Recorded on November 1st 2012.

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