This trailer is incredibly disappointing. I thought Sam Raimi directing a ‘Wizard of Oz’ prequel would be awesome, but it just looks like Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland 2.
This trailer is incredibly disappointing. I thought Sam Raimi directing a ‘Wizard of Oz’ prequel would be awesome, but it just looks like Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland 2.
November 2nd.
It’s right around the time that theaters get their shovelware crap and annual halloween gorefests out of the way, and make room for family films, oscarbait, and another round of tentpoles. This year we are going to get treated to three films that are very high on my radar, and could go either way:
Wreck-It Ralph
The Man With The Iron Fists
With Flight we have a seemingly simple premise, that appears to be very well executed. It has Denzel in his leading man hero form, and it’s Robert Zemeckis’ first non-motion capture film since Cast Away over a decade ago.
With Wreck-It Ralph we have Disney’s attempt to be Pixar-ish and also appeal to males with Videogame characters. This has huge potential to be great and prove that Disney can still churn out an original idea that is good without Pixar.
The Man With The Iron Fists is the directorial debut of The RZA, who has worked around the movie industry for the better part of ten years acting in films like Coffee and Cigarettes, and doing countless soundtracks. Quentin Tarantino and Eli Roth are producing, there will probably be tons of Wu-Tang music, and the cast is stellar. Leave it to a rapper to direct the best-looking kung fu film in ages. I’m all in with this one. Even if it’s bad, I already like it.
The best thing about this weekend is that I would conceivably pay to see each of these films separately instead of just movie-hopping back and forth. Another great thing about this weekend is that nothing is an adaptation or sequel. All relatively original ideas. Take the hint Hollywood. Make cool new shit and people will shell out their $15!
They’re remaking Whatever Happened to Baby Jane. Ashley just IM’ed me asking why no one had written about it on MMP yet. She then made claims that we only write about super heroes. SO HERE YOU GO ASHLEY! Who do you think should play the ex child stars and recluses? No not you, I’m asking specifically Ashley. COME ON ASH! OUT WITH IT. Olsen twins or what?
This news seemed to have come out of nowhere, but National Lampoon’s Vacation series is getting another sequel. Ed Helms is in talks to star as a grown up Rusty Griswald taking his own family on a trip.
With hilarious results.
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Last month we discussed the proposed Daredevil reboot that Fox has been trying to get off the ground. Word is now that David Slade has left the project due to the hurried schedule the studio has been pushing for it. They are rushing it because if it doesn’t get made soon, the rights would revert back to Marvel.
If that happened everyone in the world would be happy and Fox can’t allow that.
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The suits at 20th Century Fox has finally announced what we’ve pretty much known since January:
Josh Trank has been hired to direct the reboot of Fantastic Four. (remember when Galactus was a cloud?)
Josh Trank directed Chronicle. A found footage superhero teen movie that cost very little, but made around 50 million. I guess they are hoping that he extrapolates Chronicle’s success to a larger scale.
For this film I think the director is virtually interchangeable. Just get someone who isn’t a moron to write the film and a capable cast. Trank is so new to directing that I doubt he’ll bring anything good or bad to the table. However, they need to get someone who knows how to write a family to make this film work.
In a perfect world, I’d like to see Brad Bird just direct it. Yeah he did The Incredibles already, but after seeing M:I: Ghost Protocol, he can do grand scale. I also want this movie being released by Disney. They’d nail this film.
‘World War Z’ is a book that is dismissed by a lot of people. It’s really more of a hands on look at a world gone wrong and their attempts to rebuild more than a zombie action story.
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When did Channing Tatum go from joke to star? He’s all of a sudden Americas sweetheart. He wants to make an Evel Knievel movie, you better believe someone is throwing money at him
Currently the long in develop Stretch Armstrong movie is back on track. Why won’t this stop? It’s getting to the point in which if feels like we are being deliberately messed with.
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‘The Wolverine’ is set to start filming this summer with a July 2013 release date. Based upon the iconic run by Claremont and Miller from Logan’s first solo series. It’s James Howlett in Japan. Learning the ways of the samurai, falling in love and hopefully killing a ton of people.
This shouldn’t work but maybe it hopefully will. Confused? I’ll explain and keep using different names to refer to the title character.
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