Monthly Archives: July 2012

Fake Movie Friday Submissons: Catching A Falling Knife Part 2: Meltdown

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Andrew Dunn…

Because no one asked for it, I made a sequel to my fake movie Catching A Falling Knife from two weeks ago, here goes:

Catching a Falling Knife Part 2: Meltdown
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Fake Movie Friday – Cup of Life

Cup of Life is a romantic drama written by Zoe Kazan and directed by Marc Webb.

Cup of Life is about second chances, love, loss, and learning how to live blah blah blah.  Anyway Cup of Life begins with a young man named Jonathan, played by Kit Harrington getting ready for work.  We get the hint from his answering machine, that his girlfriend has recently broken up with him and wants to get her stuff back.  He deletes her message and goes on getting ready for his day.  He walks out of his Greenwich Village apartment and hops on his bike.  He gets off and ties up his bike and heads into Cup of Life.  Once he goes inside he pulls out his macbook and starts writing.  It is clear that he is a writer and goes to coffee shops to write.  However right as he is about to begin writing the manager played by Geoffrey Arend tells him that he has to buy something first.  He goes to the front of the line with a pack of mints to buy and then the manager rudely tells him to get to the back of the line. When he finally gets to the front the manager, clearly just being a pain at this point tells him he has to buy a beverage, and they have a long drawn out back and forth over him just ordering a cup of regular coffee, when that is the only thing they don’t have on their menu.  The girl behind him, Laura, played by Zoe Kazan starts giggling over the exchange and when Jonathan doesn’t have enough money on him, she gives him an extra quarter.  He thanks her and grabs his latte and goes back to his table.
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I’m Disgusted by the Colorado Shooting

I wouldn’t feel right making a Fake Movie Friday today without addressing this at least in some degree.

James Holmes went into a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises, threw a gas canister into the crowd and opened fire on hundreds of innocent people.  He killed 12 people and injured dozens, including a fucking 3 month old child.

What is wrong this world that it is not even safe to go to a movie anymore?

At Movie Movie we bitch about movies like they actually matter all the time, and even go so far as to bitch about the fact that Bloomberg doesn’t want us to drink big sodas anymore.  When something like this happens so senselessly, it’s clear that our country often ignores the bigger issues. Normal people shouldn’t be able to have guns.   I know it’s the second amendment, but it was written with the thought that automatic weapons didn’t exist, so I’m sorry if my viewpoint infringes on those of others, but if James Holmes couldn’t have a gun, he couldn’t have killed 12 people and ruined the lives of many others and their families.

I love movies and the experience of going to a theater and for some young people, that is going to be something they never even think of doing as a result of this asshole.

I speak for all of us when I say our thoughts are with the victims and the families of the victims of the Colorado shooting. Hopefully something like this never happens again.

Dear Need For Speed Movie, No One Cares

Dreamworks has obtained the rights to the popular street racing videogame franchise Need For Speed and they have sent an offer out to none other than Taylor Kitsch to star in the lead role.

Haven’t we been down this road before? This is a case of “If at first you don’t succeed, try again, then if that doesn’t work, try again, and if that doesn’t work try again.

I’ll give it to Taylor, he should take this role, but I also at the same time admonish Dreamworks, because how do they think they are going to pull this off?  Kitsch is becoming reverse Hemsworth in that everything he touches turns to shit.  I don’t blame him because he has the look and the requisite action chops to pull shit like this off, but who thinks this is a good idea for a movie anyway?  This is Battleship territory again in which you are really trying to graft a story onto a game, that typically didn’t have one. The most they had in the way of story was you have to drive fast, but not get caught by cops.  If your story is one sentence long, you should probably just not make a movie out of it.

Also, remember when Fast and Furious did incredibly well and spawned a franchise that many love?  Yea?  Ok now remember Biker Boyz, Torque, and all the other shit storms that tried to capitalize on the appeal of racing?  They didn’t work.  Fast and Furious is the only one that did and if you look over at that franchise and the action talent it has between Vin Diesel and The Rock, its clear that one movie is making the right moves.  Kitsch should be very wary of putting himself in the other racing franchise even if it has a videogame fanbase and instead try to get himself inserted into Fast Six.  Everyone and their mother is in it and he would at least not have to carry the film.

Need For Speed has failure written all over it.  Dreamworks, Try harder.

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135 Shots That Will Restore Your Faith in Cinema

At Movie Movie Podcast, sometimes it seems like we bitch more about movies than we applaud them.  It seems that way because its true.  We love movies but wish that the people making them would aspire to a higher standard.

That being said, the website Flavorwire put together a short video inter-cutting some of the best shots in the history of film and put it to parts of Clint Mansell’s soundtrack from the incredible film, Moon.  This is something that I think is worth watching because it reminds you that films can still be great and moving. We just need people willing to make them that way.

The oscars should just use this from now on when they need to put a montage together.

Check it out here:

Sony Wants Your Money

They want it real bad but they just aren’t sure how to get it. In a recent interview Sony exec Douglas Belgard talked about a few films in development and 80% of it is total bullshit.
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Fake Movie Friday and the return of the mega mega cast

Hey there Movie Movie Fan Fans, just a friendly lil’ reminder about Fake Movie Friday this week. We’ve been hearing from a lot of people that its their favorite thing on the site.

We are also hearing that a lot of people out their want to write one but just haven’t.

Well that is dumb. Just write whatever comes to mind. We look forward to submissions each and every week and want to read yours! Yeah I’m talking to you fair reader.

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Hunger Games Casting is Catching Fire

Now that The Hunger Games: Catching Fire has cast Philip Seymour Hoffman as Plutarch and Jena Malone as Johanna (which is perfect in my opinion), it appears as though the rest of the dominoes are starting to fall into place.

It is being reported that even though everyone from Taylor Kitsch to Garrett Hedlund had been in the running for the role of fan-favorite Finnick Odair, it looks like Sam Clafin is getting the offer.  Clafin has already been in two big budget films (Pirates 4/Snow White and the Huntsman), but was never really one of the focal points.  The role of Finnick in this film is a relatively meaty one, and based on his look, I think this is something he can pull off.

In even better news it looks like veteran character actors Melissa Leo (fresh off a hilarious turn in last weeks Louie) and Tony Shaloub have also been offered the roles of Mags and Beetee respectively.  If they accept this franchise will have an interesting mix of younger untested talent and seasoned veteran actors, none of which command a crazy paycheck.  While I am not crazy about the rushed production schedule, it looks like Francis Lawrence and Lionsgate are putting together a world that will rival some of the great sci-fi franchises of the last 30 years.

I’m excited to see how it all plays out.

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Andrew Stanton Gets His Punishment

It was really only a matter of time until this news came out. Andrew Stanton is in talks with Disney to make a sequel to ‘Finding Nemo.’ After costing the Mouse House millions of dollars with ‘John Carter’ he owes them.
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